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Time To Change The Channels

Time To Change The Channels daily-golden-nugget-1501-55
Over the last 6 months I've been writing a lot about the importance of associating all of your marketing channels together. Your website is the cornerstone of your marketing because that's where you can fully control the user experience, but social networks, offline ads, and online ads should now tie together to create a road of intriguing discovery for your customers.

While I've been following the ins and outs of exactly how to build that path of discovery, and explained it to you, I've not been following that path myself. Since July 27, 2010 I've focused on researching different methods and writing my "daily" Golden Nuggets to explain how to reproduce those methods in your own marketing. It's been a long road, and today is my 1501st such Nugget.

This will also be my last such "daily" Nugget because I'm going to change the channel. Instead of producing written content every day, I'm changing the format of my Golden Nuggets from the daily written method to a mix of photography, videos, podcasts, social posts, ebooks, printed editorials, recorded web shows, live webinars, and live seminars.

In other words, I'm changing the format of the Golden Nuggets to be a mix of modern education channels rather than just this written format.

Path Of New Discovery

I often recommend that jewelry designers should post their initial sketches online and then show their followers the different steps along the way to completion. That's what you can now expect from me. From now on, I'll be working on much larger research projects that dig into really fine details. You'll find hints of those projects throughout my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Flickr, YouTube, and Tumblr accounts, with the final report being presented here. Although if my reports become too long, I might have to turn them into eBooks.

The Nugget I wrote this past Friday was about 2,300 words. That's the longest one I've written in a while. It always takes about 2 to 3 hours of my time to write the average Golden Nugget that's about 1,000 words long. I expect my new average will be much longer than 3,000 words with a lot of detail. I'm sure those will each take several days to write, and I probably will only publish a few every month.

What To Expect

Each week you'll still find the written version of the #FridayFlopFix review, and perhaps I'll have a video version of the reviews too.

I also receive a regular stream of questions from readers of The Retail Jeweler magazine, which I will continue to answer in either written, podcast, or video format.

I've been wanting to dive into in-depth topics for more than a year, especially topics like Google Analytics Ghost Spam, but topics like those would require very in-depth 4,000 word editorials. Reading a 4,000 word Golden Nugget certainly doesn't sound like fun, it sounds like homework, but if you follow my path to discovery across all my channels you might learn most of what will be written before those in-depth articles are published.

Every year, I usually have several Golden Nuggets relating to keyword research, analytics research, and email research. That research will still be published, but probably be a lot more in-depth as well and be provided in an ebook format.

The Conversation Isn't Over

Start following me on all the social channels, if you're not already. Here's my current list of networks:

Do As I Do

Through the years, several of you (and you know who you are) have asked me how I can keep up with the writing demand or come up with new content all the time. All I can say is that we make time for what's important to us, and the information is all around us... we just have to recognize when it appears.

For quite a while, as my content creation was limited to only written blogs I've been telling you to use other methods in addition to blogs. The idiom "Do as I say, not as I do" comes to mind, but now I'll be able to outline a new strategy to follow as I invite you to "do as I do" from now on.

Certainly some of my social media accounts will be more active every day than others, so keep an eye out for what's next.

What's next, or right now? Jump over to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to find out right now.

Keep The Conversation Going

Got a question? Send me a private message through any of the social networks or through the contact form on the jwag.bizwebsite. I'll be happy to answer the website, SEO, or business related question for you. If I feel the question is useful for others, I'll also write about it publically as a future Golden Nugget.

Stay tuned!

AT: 04/25/2016 12:40:28 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry