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Reasons Why HTML 3 is Better than HTML 5

Today's Gold Nugget should surprise the HTML programming enthusiasts and provide at least some curiosity to the non-initiated.

There is a lot of talk in the web programming community about correct methods of programming. Officially, if you program a website from scratch today you should be using a technique referred to as Semantic Programming. This is a fancy way to explain that your web page is split into 2 components: your words and your design.

The "words" part of your web page is organized using simple HTML programming. The "design" part of your web page is the cascading style sheet (CSS for short) which includes all your font sizes, colors, background, etc.

Splitting up the words and the design like this makes your website more flexible for future change, but it doesn't necessarily make your website faster. You see, semantic programming requires the programmer to be very meticulous with how they type. Every quote needs to be account for; every forward slash character needs to be placed just right. This is akin to saying "you need to dot every 'i' and cross every 't'."

Although this is the new way to do things, and the correct way, Google understands that not every web programmer is highly skilled, and most websites created by small businesses are very poorly programmed. Because of this fact, Google has gone on record with saying that it's okay if your website is poorly programmed.

In other words, Google does not care if you are using HTML programming from 10 years ago, or if you are using HTML 5 that is newly available. They've learned how to read your page no matter what.

To prove the point, is using very old HTML coding techniques. It might even be version 3 or 3.2. Those older versions allowed many shortcuts and even omitted code. From Google's point of view, they want the web to be fast, and one way to make it faster is to forget about dotting all those i's and crossing all those t's. Even though HTML 5 is amazing, sometimes those old HTML 3 techniques are still valid.

Of course, we don't want you to call your programmer and tell them to turn back the wheels of technology, because there are serious limitations to HTML 3.

So that's it. No actionable item today, and this wasn't even jewelry specific. However, this information should ease your mind a little if you are attempting to program your own jewelry website and are afraid that you are doing it wrong.

Older code is sloppy, but Google doesn't mind.
AT: 01/24/2011 12:42:22 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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