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Holiday SEO Planning Starts Today

It's September 17 and no doubt you already have your holiday inventory picked out.

Since you already know what your Holiday inventory will be, you need to post that information to your website immediately.

Here's why:

During our Live 2 Broadcast Event from August 13 - August 29, we set up a full jewelry website for demo and training. That website is still live at; the mobile version is available at

While broadcasting live, we added products, blog entries, and newsletters to that site. Then we used our Google Webmaster Tools account to submit a sitemap to Google on August 13, 2010 and again on August 18, 2010.

All search engines take at least a month to look at and index new web pages. As we search Google today with "" we see that our demo jewelry website was cached on August 13, August 18, August 28, Sept. 4 and Sept. 11.

For those last 3 dates, Google did by itself; we didn't request them, which means they put us on a regular schedule of less than 4 weeks. (If you follow SEO and link building strategies, you will understand why less than 4 weeks is highly coveted.)

Even though Google is reading our demo website regularly, we clearly see that there is a significant delay before it appears in the index. The mobile product catalog was cached on August 28 and all 3173 products are correctly indexed as of today.

None of the catalog pages are showing up in a simple Google search yet. But our content pages are!

Here's the BOTTOM LINE with today's Gold Nugget:

Our brand new demo website went live 35 days ago, and only started showing up in search results this week. Google "Tissot watches Totowa NJ" to see where we show up on Page 1. We have clear dominance in the local market since all the other results on Page 1 are online stores.

Given these facts, you need to add new pages to your website before the end of September if you want them to appear in the SERPs for November 1.

1. Take 10 minutes each day and write a simple email to your website guy and describe 1 item, or set of similar items that you will have in your store for November.
2. Make sure you write at least 250 words.
3. Have your website guy put the information up on a new landing page.
4. Then log into your Google Webmaster Tools account and submit your sitemap.

This is specific strategy, not theory. Just go do it!

DISCLAIMER: The above information is based on statistical data. Please review your own data for your site if you have it. Do not make any financial judgments based off this information, it's only meant to help you strategize your advertising efforts. Hindsight is always 20/20 and what we see from previous studies does not mean the same thing will happen for your site... Google TFYQA and have a great day.

DISCLAIMER: To protect the investment from our Gold Subscriber we have limited access to our extended series of Daily Nuggets regarding the Holiday Season. Gold Subscriptions are only available to 1 retail jewelry store per zip code. Please call 888-872-0274 for more details or visit
AT: 09/17/2010 01:42:37 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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