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LinkedIn Status Updates

The final item to talk about is Status updates. Yes, LinkedIn has status updates just like on Facebook, and just like updates to Twitter.

Your first thought is probably one of, "Oh great; another things I have to waste time on," but you shouldn't look at it like that.

Status updates on LinkedIn do not have to be once an hour, once a day or even once a week. They only need to be when you have something relevant and exciting to share with your connections.

An easy example would be "I've been hired to create a custom championship ring for a sports team." It doesn't have to be that exciting, either; you could simply say, "I've been hired to create a custom pendant for a 25th wedding anniversary."

The idea is to explain what job you are working on, and why it's interesting. These updates need to remain professional, so keep the banter about running errands and walking to dog to Facebook.

Another good method is to download the LinkedIn application to your phone and make your updates that way. Feel free to post your LinkedIn updates to your Twitter account; there is an option for that before you share the update.

These Status updates will appear on the home screen of all your connections. This once again brings your name to the top of their mind when people see it. Your update also shows up as recent information about you when people view your name and information on the full LinkedIn website.

Users of the mobile application have a different area where they can view all the updates of their connections. It's a prominent option in the mobile app, and your connections will surely see your Status updates.

That concludes this very long series on LinkedIn. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we're going to review some online marketing details we've been tracking for the last 30 days.
AT: 12/23/2010 11:10:49 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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