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H is for Header

Today's Daily Gold Nugget could be disputed by many SEO professionals all over the world.

The topic is the Header Tag...more specifically the Header 2 and Header 3 tags. They are commonly known as the H2 and H3 tags.

Search engines claim to use these H tags as minor signals in ranking. Google even has a few videos online that specifically mention how to use these H2 and H3 tags correctly.

The SEO experts dispute their usage because they have such a small effect on ranking. In fact, only 35% of expert surveyed by in 2009 said the H2 and H3 were worth any ranking value.

We're mentioning it because we want you to know the correct ways to use these tags yourself. Every little bit counts when trying to get the coveted #1 ranking spot, so let's get these header tags working for you.

The H2 tag is used to indicate a headline to a secondary section of your page. You can have two H2 tags on your page, but if you find yourself wanting to create a tertiary subsection, you should instead consider adding another page to you website.

The H3 tag is useful to use as a headline above individual paragraphs when you have long sales copy on your site.

In programming code, the H2 tag is <h2> some words</h2>. Likewise the H3 tag is <h3> some words</h3>. Although we didn't mention it in this Nugget, there is a Header 1 tag represented by <h1>Main Headline Words</h1>.

Here's a specific example of how to set this up on your page:

<h1>The Diamond Buyer's Guide</h1>
<h2>Learn About Diamonds</h2>
Copy about diamonds would be here
<h2>The 4C's of Diamonds</2>
Introduction about the 4C's
Information about clarity

In the above example, the <h1> would tell Google that this page is a Diamond Buyer's Guide.
The <h2> would tell Google that there are two subsections on this one page.
The first subsection is called Learn About Diamonds.
The second subset is called The 4C's of Diamonds
Then, within the 4C's subset, there is a paragraph about diamond clarity. The word Clarity is inside the <h3> </h3> tag to indicate it is simply a paragraph header and not a division of the page.

So there you have it. That's the suggested use of the H2 and H3 tags according to Google. It's easy to understand and easy to implement, so just go do it.
AT: 01/13/2011 11:47:55 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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