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Faster Recognition of Product Catalogs

Some time ago, we heard a rumor that you couldn't grow your website too big, too fast, otherwise it would look like a spamming website to Google. The year was 2007 and this made us wonder if it also hurt your website to launch a new product catalog with 3000+ products, or if you should slowly add them to the site.

Fast forward to today. We now know that putting a large jewelry product catalog online overnight produces interesting, reproducible results that we have witnessed several times now.

When Google first finds your new product catalog it will spend the first day or two reading and rereading all the pages inside that catalog until it's satisfied. Then, on the third day, it throttles back to only a few pages visited regularly.

It seems like it will rush to read all your newest information (in this case, product pages) as fast as possible. But once the pages are read the first time they rarely get read again. You can look at your Google Webmaster Tools to see the same results, and they don't seem to be harmful.

Although, we also know that it takes about 30 days for a product catalog to show up in the search results. You can speed up that process if your individual product descriptions are long.

You should present your product catalog the same way as those in-flight shopping magazines you find on every airplane. Those magazines create little stories about each product and before you even realize it you feel inclined to buy everything in it!

If you were to put a little passion into your product descriptions, you will not only interest your customers, but also the search engines. The product descriptions (mini stories) you write just might match that random search request for "what are the best earrings to give as gifts for bridesmaids."

Simple product catalogs that only provide technical information have little chance of attracting visitors directly. But with a little love and spice in the form of a story, you can turn your product catalog into a huge visitor magnet.

Okay, we understand this takes time. Just commit to getting it done. Start with all the items that you reorder regularly and work outward from there.
AT: 03/04/2011 01:11:04 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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