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Tis The Season for Jewelry Product Positioning

Marketing campaigns in early December each year shift from talk of Black Friday and Cyber Monday to campaigns mentioning the "12 Days of Christmas." Many of these marketing campaigns will align themselves with the 12 items in the popular song in hopes to create memory retention.

If you are looking for ways to create memory retention, you don't have to limit yourself to the overly popularized use of those 12 days and items; instead, you should try to be a little more creative. Let's look at some ideas that might spark your own.

The Holiday Season comes jam-packed with many religious traditions, cultural traditions, and popularized TV/movie/theatre traditions. Any one of these can be adapted to help your own brand or specific product positioning.

Creating branding or product positioning for your store or jewelry should be easy. You just have to immerse yourself in holiday surroundings, then think like a gift buyer. What might *they* be thinking? What might *he* be thinking?

Your targeted email message, Tweet, Facebook update, and Google+ post could help provide gift solutions by creating specific positioning.

"For Someone with Style"

An email or social update with that subject indicates the appreciation likelihood of a stylish gift recipient. This subject line could lend itself to men's or ladies jewelry lines.

"For the Perfect Love in Your Life"

An email or social update referring to the "perfect love" in one's life is certainly a unisex message, and it could refer to all stages of a loving relationship from teenage love, to engagement, to newlyweds, to happily married couples. "I need to find a gift for my perfect love" is a question that will appear year after year. Using this phrasing in your ads will position your jewelry styles as the perfect answer.

"For Baby's First Christmas"

This one should be easy to understand. Unlike the "perfect love" positioning above, this is product positioning that occurs much less frequently, but yet still happens every year in the families of your customers. What baby related items do you carry in your store? Baby crosses, birthstone charms, baby cups, and engraved pendants would position perfectly for the "Baby's First" holiday. If you can get someone in your store for the baby's gift you might also be able to up-sell something else for the new mom or other people on the gift list.

"One Size Fits All"

This product positioning is probably best suited for pendants, earrings, and charm bracelets. This phrasing will attract the attention of the gift givers thinking of clothing. "One size fits all" for jewelry and is surely a more elegant gift that can be worn over and over again. It also has a greater potential to match other clothing, unlike a "one size fits all" hat or pair of gloves.

"12 Days of Christmas would be Nothing Without those 5 Golden Rings"

Alright, we caved in. But really, where would that song be without everyone yelling "FIVE GOLDEN RINGS" at the top of their lungs? Obviously, there is a lot of potential here to co-opt the 5 Golden Rings in an email campaign, website page, and all over the social networks. Although, if you do take this approach you will need to find 5 types of gold rings for the campaign: perhaps Eternity, Engagement Solitaires, Bridal Bands, Right Hand, and Men's Bands.

Keep thinking about this topic throughout the season. It's never too late to send a new idea out via an email blast or use it on one of the social networks. Just remember to update the appropriate landing pages on your website when you do.
AT: 11/15/2011 00:01:00 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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