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Last Minute Reminders Ideas for Jewelers

It's crunch time! Well, maybe not really, not yet, but that's the mindset we want you to be in today. Imagine it's the last few days before the holiday. This year the major holidays of Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are all within the 7 days of one another, and last minute reminders on December 19th could really boost your season end sales.

All of our Daily Golden Nuggets so far have concentrated on selling new merchandise, but one of the easiest last minute reminders should be about jewelry cleanings, prong checking, and watch battery replacements.

You have to admit that most of us will want to look our best when entertaining family and friends over the holidays. Not only do people dress to impress but they also want their jewelry to impress. What good are those 2ctw., IF, D earring studs if they are so dirty that they look like I2s in the H color range?

Also consider that many people own holiday themed jewelry that sit in their jewelry box all year. You should remind your customers that silver jewelry is especially susceptible to tarnishing and should be brought in for cleaning.

When it comes to last minute reminders for jewelry repair and cleanings, you will need to figure out your own schedule and send out that email and social network notice with enough time to spare. Perhaps on December 12th with one of these subject lines:

"Holiday Jewelry Cleaning Reminder"
"Bring in your jewelry for inspection and cleaning before the holidays"
"There's still time to have your holiday jewelry wardrobe cleaned and polished"

Let's shift our focus back to gift sales during the week of December 19th. Those last few days before the holidays kick off will be filled with stress and anxiety for many running out of time or ideas. During this time, you need to position yourself as the solution provider, and local marketing and local SEO will become very important again.

As a reminder of what we've mentioned in a previous Daily Golden Nugget, we've tracked the highest spike in jewelry website traffic always on the Monday before Christmas. That's December 19th this year.

Shoppers during the week of December 19th can't buy online anymore and 100% guarantee gift arrival by their deadline. They have to buy locally. What will you have to offer?

The easiest "Don't Panic" type gift is the gift card. Advertising this in your email and online socially is easy with phrasing like "Don't Panic! We Still Have Jewelry Gift Cards In Stock!" or perhaps "Still Can't Find The Right Gift? Jewelry Gift Cards Are Available."

Another cute headline or email subject line you could use is "Get those gifts wrapped and under the tree in the St. Nick of time!" Then follow that up with invitations to visit your jewelry store for those last minute gifts that you will actually gift wrap for them.
AT: 11/16/2011 00:01:20 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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