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Tell Google you Currently Mean Business

Blogs and educational articles help to increase the ranking of your website over the long term. You should build your library of well written articles, with constant usage of jewelry terminology, on a regular basis so Google will credit your site as newer than your competitor.

For long term website health and ranking you need to make a commitment to add information often. You can share educational jewelry tidbits. The best way to gather these is to simply write them down the next time an idea comes to mind. You can expand on it later at the computer.

You could also write a blog entry detailing new jewelry styles each and every time you receive new merchandise; quick use of your smartphone would create fantastic supporting photos for the blog entries.

Here are a few helpful hints to keep in mind as you write those educational articles and blogs:

1. Google will use synonyms to match search terms to your website. You might have the phrase "gents wedding bands" as a description in your latest blog, but rarely will someone (other than another jeweler) will use the word "gents" in a search. Thankfully Google will match "mens wedding rings" to that same page.

2. Try to stay focused on a single topic for each blog or article, but include as many supportive phrases or associated words. If you create a Garnet Birthstone page for January it makes perfect sense to talk about garnet rings, garnet earrings, and garnet pendants. Garnets can certainly be set in each of those jewelry items. On the other hand you probably don't want to commingle a conversation about garnets with wedding rings, or engagement rings. Sure, someone might have a 3 stone ring with a center diamond flanked by garnets, but that's a little obscure and even Google would know it.

3. Don't try too hard. Include your own personality in everything you write, and write as if you are explaining the same thing to a customer in-person. Your own jewelry lexicon will help Google understand what your page is about, and what the overall topic of your website is about.

Every new addition to your website's blog or educational articles will show Google that you have current information. A well rounded writing style will help gain visitors from a wider variety of keyword phrases than you originally hoped.
AT: 01/12/2012 04:09:04 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry