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Jewelers Should Avoid Blog Comment Spam

We talk a lot about the importance of having a blog on your website. It really is one of the best ways for continual content building and showing Google that you are knowledgeable about jewelry. Google in turn serves up your pages when people search.

The original nature of a "web log" was to post your thoughts in hope of some type of commentary from your friends or readers. Because of this, all blog software comes with the ability to allow users to leave feedback, or comments.

A few years ago, some unscrupulous SEO professionals discovered that you could use blog comments as a good way to build links to your website. These types of comments became known as "comment spam" and you need to make sure your own blog is not plagued by it. If you want an example of such a link, go to any hot topic news article on your pick of news network website. They are often flooded with them and the most popular or the most innocuous article will be targeted, either for the maximum visibility for site readers, or the minimum risk of removal by the powers that be. Sites like Yahoo! News that allow for users to "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" a user's comment will frequently hide these messages after other users have sounded off on their disapproval for such comment spam.

Comment spam is easy to recognize because it's always a very general remark about your blog post with a link to some other totally unrelated website. Some of the most frequently found comment spam include phrases like "That was a really informative entry. Thank you. Please visit my website."

Other types of comment spam might appear to be gibberish, or non sequitur type comments.

You need to watch out for comment spam. Actually you need to moderate all the comments on your blog. Preferably, you should not allow your comments to appear automatically; instead, give yourself a chance to moderate them before they appear to the public.

Un-moderated comments could affect your website reputation. These comments will always contain links to other websites that you probably do not want to be associated with. Allowing comment spam to build up will eventually lead to bad page reputation to say nothing of your actual readers since these websites are usually on the shady or suggestive side.

The bottom line of today's Daily Golden Nugget is that you should allow comments on your own jewelry blog, but you need to moderate them. If you fall prey to comment spam often, you could turn off the comment feature for each entry a few weeks or months after you post them.
AT: 02/08/2012 02:24:28 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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