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Capitalize on the Rise of the Man-Gagement Ring

Back in July 2011, we noticed the first widespread recognition of the man's engagement ring, otherwise known as the "mangagement ring.", Huffington Post, Essential Groom,, Men's Health, and even JCK are among the news outlets feeding into the idea of the mangagement ring.

This might be a trend, so let's take a look at the possibilities for adding appropriate content to your website.

To start our investigation we jumped over to and looked up "mangagement ring" and found some interesting results. It turns out that "mangagement" is a common misspelling of the word "management." Google Insights has years worth of data showing people searching for property, business, waste, classroom, time, project, and financial "mangagement."

Among the misspellings we do see "mangagement ring" and "mangagement rings" on the rise in legitimate searches, and therefore you should consider creating some website content to capture the rising interest.

Any jewelry store in the bridal game already carries several types of men's wedding bands, which is exactly the same thing as a men's engagement ring. In other words, you have no inventory buy-in to sell to the mangagement ring buyer, you just need some creative new content on your website.

First, you need to understand who your target is. Those specifically buying "mangagement rings" are women, not men. Some news outlets have mistakenly suggested that the mangagement ring will gain popularity because of the rise of visibility of same sex couples. They are mistaken; this is a cutesy portmanteau perpetuated as a way of making the concept of engagement more equal, and in theory, less scary for "the man." The "mangagement ring" phrase will only be used by the trend-aware woman who is impatiently waiting for her man to pop the question. It's in the same family as "manscape" and "metrosexual."

Our research turned up these phrases:

1. mangagement ring
2. mangagement rings
3. mens engagement bands
4. mens engagement ring
5. mens engagement rings
6. engagement rings for men

Phrases #1 and #2 above are slightly on the rise since June 2011, which corresponds to the news segment on FOX 25 News (

Phrases #3, #4, and #5 have been steadily rising in popularity for several years. They are much more popular in the UK than the States, but regardless, legitimate interest is there.

Phrase #6 shows a steady rise in search growth in the United States starting in late 2005. Google projects this phrase to continue to rise through 2012.

Here's your content strategy for today...

First, write an article or blog about the how often the ladies are hoping and waiting for the guys to pop the question. They don't have to wait any more because the it's okay for her to ask him. Use the phrasing "man-gagement ring" and "mangagement ring" in your blog to ensure the best search engine visibility. Make sure you include details of the various men's bands you carry, but don't refer to them as wedding bands. Sprinkle in one or two uses of the phrase "engagement ring for men" in these articles. Remember, if you don't include "ring," you're catering to the "management" misspellers.

Second, write a few articles about "mens engagement rings" and "mens engagement bands." You probably should write a few articles to cover the types of men's bands you carry, including the metal types that appeal to different tastes. You should also write at least one article to appeal to same-sex couples. Of course you also need to include the phrase "engagement ring for men" in these articles. It is likely that men searching for commitment rings for one another will not use any special phrasing, and depending on your state/area, you may choose to use "wedding," "civil union," or variations of "ceremony."

Remember, website content is there to attract people searching. Right now very few jewelry stores are taking advantage of this rise in search trend. It may only take an evening of your time to write these blog posts that could bring a new wave of unexpected sales.
AT: 02/16/2012 06:57:45 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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