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Implementing Your Own QR Code Jeweler Reviews

In yesterday's Daily Golden Nugget we gave you results from a QR code micro test we conducted over the last 7 months. We found that QR codes could be successfully used inside your store as a way to lead consumers to a review website.

When customers have to wait anywhere from 1 minute to 5 minutes, they will take the time to scan a QR code hung in the waiting area, then either read or leave a review.

We think it's important to note that the QR codes in our test were hung on a wall close to the customer rather than on the wall behind the counter. It is our opinion that physical proximity matters. One just does not expect to be allowed to take their phone and take a photo of something behind a salesperson.

Here are the steps to making this work in your own jewelry store:

1. Choose a review site.

This could be Yelp, Citysearch, or any other site that has star ratings. You should search Google for "jewelry stores your-town your-state" and see what review sites appear other than Google Places.

2. Find the URL for your store's listing.

Visit that review site on your smartphone and find the listing for your store. Depending on the website you may have to use the "Full Site" to find the review page, but it's preferable to figure out the URL for the mobile version of the review page. Even if you've never set up an account, your jewelry store will probably be listed since most review sites pre-load basic business information.

3. Create a short URL.

The URL for the "Leave a review" page will probably be much longer than what should be used to create a QR code; so you need to shorten it. You can do this easily at

4. Create the QR code

With the shortened URL in hand, navigate yourself over to to quickly generate the QR code image. Save it to your computer.

5. Create the wall sign

Use the saved QR code graphic on your computer to create a simple sign, you can create it in any word processor. At the top of the sign put the heading "Scan to leave a review." Under the QR code, in smaller print, put an explanation like this one: "Scan this QR code with your smartphone to leave a review on Yelp. Don't have a QR code scanner on your phone? Search your phone's app store for QR Code Reader to find a free scanner."

These steps are not complicated, and you should be able to do this in less than 60 minutes. Our recommended directions in Step 5 give the customers just enough instructions so they can figure the rest out on their own, without being over burdened with text they really don't want to read.

Let us know how this works for you.
AT: 03/29/2012 11:18:47 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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