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What You Need to Know About Mobile-Specific Google AdWords Campaigns

My own measurements show that approximately 25% of visitors to jewelry related websites are using a mobile device of some type. This includes smartphones and tablets. People use their mobile devices differently than their desktops, and your marketing needs to be designed to account for these differences.

Google AdWords has the ability to create campaigns that target mobile devices. You can include mobile device targeting in a general ad, but it's better to create a specific campaign to target only mobile devices.

If you are the adventurous type, and you don't have the budget to hire an AdWords professional, then jump over to the Google AdWords Help website for full setup directions. Here's a shortened link for you:

For jewelry stores, the idea of running an AdWords Mobile campaign is pretty advanced. There's a lot more to this than just logging into your account and selecting the mobile options. Your AdWords professional will probably want to give you a customized proposal for the mobile portion of your marketing campaign.

As I said above, on average, 25% of your customers are looking at your website through mobile eyes. Any mobile advertising will increase that number. But you have to make sure you are ready to handle it.

Here's what you need to know before you start mobile AdWords.

1. You will need a mobile website. If you don't have one then that's going to be your first expense before you even start AdWords. There are many free methods to create a simple mobile websites, but if you want to control your mobile advertising, you will need to have a site that you fully control. This means web designer and development costs.

2. Each of your AdWords mobile ads need to target a mobile landing page. In your case you should use good jewelry photos that fill up the mobile screen. Your website programmer should be able to program photos so they appear 100% the width of any mobile device regardless if it has a 3" screen or a 7" screen.

3. Mobile ads can be text or banner images. The text ads will appear on mobile search pages, while the mobile banner ads will appear inside applications. Many free smartphone apps are financially supported by the advertising commissions made through Google AdWords mobile banner ad commissions.

4. Mobile text ads are shorter than their desktop counterparts. More thought needs to go into matching those fewer words with the landing page. If your ad said "Earrings at 50% off" then the landing page needs to show those earrings immediately and have purchase information right below it. Purchase information could be a telephone number, PayPal, or full blown mobile commerce.

5. Mobile banner ads are small, and 1 size fits all unlike the 8 different sizes available to desktop viewers. If you're spending the money to design the desktop banners then you should also have your graphic artist create the smaller mobile banner. The mobile banner ad will appear inside mobile apps.

6. Spend Big! Target your mobile campaigns to a small geographic area around your store. You can target within a few miles, or the entire country. People within 1 mile of your store are prime targets. You should create a "Hyper Local" campaign and set your bidding at $5 or even $10 per click. But don't worry about the spending because you will only get 1 or 2 of those clicks per month. For campaigns targeting 20 to 50 miles around your store you can keep the bidding below $5 per click.

AdWords mobile is worth the time and effort to set it up, especially that Hyper Local campaign. Look out your front door... how many people are walking buy while looking down at their smartphone? Each of those people could potentially be looking at your ad.
AT: 09/03/2012 02:06:56 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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