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Introduction to Facebook Offers

Facebook has a way for businesses to provide some type of offer to those who visit a Page. The offer is not at all based on a check-in, anyone can see it until you turn it off. "Facebook Offers" can be a discount, a redemption, a free prong inspection, free cleaning, or anything you can think of.

Facebook Offers are available only in beta testing for a few Business Pages. Normally I don't write about new, untested features, but if you're one of the lucky few to have this beta feature right now you should use it... it's currently free.

First, go to you’re the timeline for your business page and look at the share box. Above the share box you usually see the words...

"Status | Photo/Video | Event, Milestone + "

but if you see...

"Status | Photo/Video | Offer, Event +"

then that means you are part of the Facebook beta program for testing Offers.

Click on the work "Offer" then select "Offer" again from the dropdown list to activate the Offer Edit screen. From that screen you can upload an image and type a brief headline for your offer. They also allow you to put in the terms of the redemption and set an expiration date.

I suggest you read through all the help docs related to FB Offers, they are actually informative and easy to understand. The Help link is next to the [Preview] button on the edit window. Here's the direct link:

Anyone who wants to get the offer simply requests it to be sent to their email. The person then needs to take the email into your store and redeem it in person. The drawback of the Offer is that you won't know who has requested it since Facebook does not tell you. The benefit is that this is a sure way to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook engagements.

Now to the sticky business... You need to train your staff how to handle the offer in your store. You could include a promotion code in the offer, or you can make it unique. Whatever you do, just make sure your staff knows about it.

Your offer cannot be targeted right now. Everyone will see it as soon as it's created.
AT: 09/10/2012 05:04:04 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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