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NAP: Name, Address, Phone Number

NAP: Name, Address, Phone Number 1054-daily-golden-nugget-704The internet is riddled with abbreviations and acronyms for everything related to online marketing and technology.

* SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization
* IP usually refers to an "Internet Protocol [Address]"
* URL stands for Universal Resource Locator

As local search engine optimization became popular over the last few years for brick & mortar stores, the abbreviation NAP has become more popular. It's much easier to say "Nap" than "Name, Address, and Phone Number" over and over again.

One of the key components to successful Local jewelry website SEO is to make sure your NAP information is consistent across all websites that save address information. That consistency begins on your website with the way you use abbreviations of your street name, suite number, store name, and phone number.

You should do your best to conform all other NAP appearances online to whatever you have on your website. If you use the abbreviation "St." on your website then make sure other online business directories don't use the fully spelt out word "Street."

As a small business there are some online NAP locations that are more important than others. The most important NAP would begin in the most popular social networks and search engines. Here's a short list:

1. Make sure your Google+ Local account has the same NAP as your website.
2. Make sure your Google+ Page has the same NAP information as your website.
3. Make sure your business listing in Bing has the same NAP format as your website.
4. Update the About box in your Facebook Page account to match that NAP to your website.
5. Review your listings on Yelp, CitySearch, and MerchantCircle to conform your NAP
6. Update NAP information in SuperPages and YelowPages.
7. Update your NAP of your venue listing in Foursquare. This is notoriously incorrect.

You might have to go through a process of "claiming" your business account listing on each of the above named websites in order to correct incorrect NAP information.

For the brick & mortar store, taking the time to conform all your name, address, and phone number information and format across as many websites as possible will improve the frequency at which local customers will find you in various types of online search.

Claiming all those accounts and updating your information won't be an easy process, and in some cases it might even cost money. The time you spend on this will pay off in the long term as local search become the most important type of search results.

AT: 04/04/2013 11:02:28 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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