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What Is A Money Site?

What Is A Money Site? daily-golden-nugget-1274-3
This is the Throwback Thursday edition of the Daily Golden Nugget. Today I'm jumping back to Nugget number 55 and the topic of money sites.

The topic of marketing funnels came up during the 2015 JCK Talk on multi-channel marketing. The original idea of a marketing funnel was that you would reach a lot of people with a broad scope of marketing. You have a better chance to reach more people when you use an extremely broad, untargeted marketing method.

With broad targeting, you can only hope that potential customers will remember you when they finally have a need for your services. You would eventually move customers down your sales funnel for more targeted ads or in-store customer service to help close the sale.

The idea of that traditional sales funnel has changed with the advent of multi-channel marketing. Instead of sending a broad message to many people, you deliver targeted messages through each channel that will appeal to the users of that channel.

In some way, shape, or form all the marketing channels lead potential customers back to your website. Depending on your business model, you might be selling directly from your website or you might be using it to attract people to your physical store.

In some cases, you might even have a small dedicated website for your ads instead of leading people back to your main website. Some people refer to those dedicated sites as micro-sites whose sole purpose is to close a sale.

The term "money site" is used to refer to whatever website will help you close the sale, so it can be either your website or those dedicated micro-sites.

Your money site doesn't have to be e-commerce in order to help close the sale. It could simply be used to convince people to visit your store to spend money.

You can't simply set up a website and refer to it as your money site. The phrase alone has a built in connotation that you know how to implement online marketing and content building, both of which are designed to leading paying customers to you.

Another aspect of a correctly implemented money site is that you should be monitoring your Google Analytics and making routine improvements to our website. All of those improvements are geared around leading more people to a purchase decision.

A smart online marketer understands that you can't call every website a money site. As evident by my Friday website reviews, many jewelry sites are horrible and would never lead people to a purchase decision.

The bottom line of today's Daily Golden Nugget is simply to re-introduce the term "money site" as the phrase used to describe the process of using your website for a true sales conversion tool. Eventually, every website should be pushing people to purchase decisions.

AT: 06/11/2015 08:44:10 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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