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Digesting Your Previous Blogs to Create New Blogs

There are so many different ways to create quality blog posts, and to keep your readers engaged. Today I want to explain how you can create a digest blog post using your previous blog posts.

Digest emails are quite popular, in fact, for the first 200 or so Daily Golden Nuggets we were sending digest Nuggets every Friday to readers that wanted them instead of the daily emails. Websites with active blogs and articles (like news sites) often send evening emails with blurbs of all the day's posts.

There's a difference between sending a digest email and creating a digest blog post. The email can use the same wording, perhaps even the first few sentences of each original blog, but if you intend on posting this digest online you need to write a brand new summary of the blog.

For SEO purposes, you need to have new words posted in a new blog. There's no sense in using this blogging method unless you use original words.

With each summary, you include the title of the original post and a link.

To illustrate this method I'm going to use a few of my own recent posts. Here we go...

---Beginning of Sample Digest Blog Post---

Over the past few weeks I've given you a few ideas for blogging. Looking back over them here are the 3 most important ones you should read:

1. Jewelers Can Beat the Writer's Block (that's linked to
There's only so much you can say about jewelry before you start repeating yourself and sounding like a broken record. In this post you'll find 2 really good ways to keep your blog posts fresh and avoid the dreaded writer's block.

2. 3 Blogging Tips Shared by a Blogging Pro (that's linked to
You can read plenty of books about blogging, and there are plenty of blogs about blogging--as in this one. If you hope to build a business through blogging then you eventually need to learn how to do it professionally. Here's 3 of my best tips.

3. The $3000 Reason Jewelers Should Be Blogging (That's linked to
If you have a choice to spend $3000 and get 4000 unqualified visitors to you site this month, would you consider spending $1600 to get 4000 qualified visitors to you site organically? The answer seems obvious, but most wouldn't choose it.

---End of Sample Digest Blog Post---

In each of those above 3 samples I gave you the title of previous blogs, I linked the titles to the original blogs, and I wrote a new summary of fewer than 50 words. I actually chose 3 random blogs even though my lead-in says "most important ones." You could choose the blogs you like the most, or you could digest your last five.

Just like all your other blog posts, you should tweet it, share on Facebook, and share on Google+.

In the long run this blog post will gain organic visitors, and the links to your older posts are good for link building.
AT: 07/23/2012 02:19:16 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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