Have a burning question you need answered about your website? Send it in through the
jWAG Contact Form or to me directly through any social network; just search for my name "matthewperosi" on any social network and send a message.
Today I'll weigh my opinion in on this question
Hi Matt,
When setting up my new website, my programmer had all of my internal page links open into a new window... is this normal prac...

Welcome to the Friday website review. The goal of these weekly website reviews to learn something that can better your own website by analyzing someone else's live website. Every week I simply do a Google search in a random town or city throughout the U.S.
This week I'm looking for a review candidate in Terrell Hills, Texas. Using Google Chrome's incognito mode I searched for "jewelry stores in Terrell Hills, Texas" and was given this SERP:
We're getting back to basic SEO concepts today with a discussion of Anchor Text.
Anchor text is also known as link text, link label, and even link title depending on which SEO professional you are talking to. In our office we commonly flip flop between "anchor text" and "link text" depending on the situation. All 4 phrases are common enough, and can be confusing, so hopefully this Golden Nugget will help.
Hyperlinks, or links, connect all the pages of the web together. Sometimes you click on an image hyperlink, and sometimes you click on a text hyperlink. When word (text) are hyperlinks, many times they will appear as blue and underlined.
It's those blue and underlined words that are the Anchor Text, and they are very important for SEO.
When the internet was in its infancy many people used the words "click ...