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Lesson 2 Vocab 02 - 202 Response

If you're saying "oh great, he's starting with the technical stuff," you'd be correct. Remember that the internet is nothing more than a bunch of computers that talk to each other. They talk in 1's and 0's and other strings of numbers and strange characters. As the internet has evolved many of us tech-heads have realized that you guys, the non-techies need to be shielded from this stuff.

You don't need to know what those crazy numbers are all about, you just need to know how to use it, have fun and more importantly make money with the technology. There will always be a tech savvy person around to help you, if you just ask.

However, there are still technical terms that need to punch through that shielding because there's no other way to explain them. The entire family of website codes is part of that technical stuff.

Whenever you visit a website your browser only shows you the nice web page that a designer has created. You don't see the technical stuff that makes it work.

Within that technical stuff all websites transmit a code that indicates the success or failure of the page. The "202 Response" tells your web browser that "everything worked correctly, and you should display the web page normally."

You will never see 202 anywhere while using the internet or working on your website. You will only find it in your website tracking. So if you have access to your website statistics, go look this up right now.

You should always see that there are more 202 Responses on your website than any other. If not, talk to your website guy and ask them to investigate.

That's the only reason I told you about the 202. I want you to be able to look at a printout and clearly see if your website is broken.
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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AT: 01/22/2010 03:24:23 AM   LINK TO THIS ARTICLE

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