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Friday, January 22, 2010

Lesson 2 Vocab 44 - Rank, Ranking

by Matthew A Perosi
Positioning and visibility is very important for successful advertising. Within search engines we refer to visibility as "ranking." The higher your website is positioned on a search engine results page, the higher the "rank" or "ranking."

Google and Yahoo have secret methods of determining the best ranking for your website. They keep their methods a secret so no one can abuse the system. Every search engine optimization professional and SEO service company, including ours, is making their best guesses for how to increase website ranking.

The search engine results pages show 10 web page results at a time. Terminology is a little flexible when referring to ranking results. For example, a web pag...

AT: 01/22/2010 03:11:01 PM   0 COMMENTS
Friday, January 22, 2010

Lesson 2 Vocab 41 - PageRank

by Matthew A Perosi
PageRank, abbreviated PR, is a trademark of Google's and is irrelevant to all other search engines. PageRank is one of Google's many methods of indicating the popularity of a website as a number ranging from 0 (least popular) to 10 (most popular).

Previously I explained that links from Authority websites are more valuable than links from small websites. PageRank is a numerical representation of how valuable all those other backlinks are to your site.

PageRank, Authority websites and Link Popularity are all related. The larger your website becomes the more of a chance it will become an Authority. As it gains Authority status more and more people will link to it, thus providing votes for your website.

Each link, or vote, will help to increase your PageRank.

On a regular basis Google will count up ...

AT: 01/22/2010 03:06:08 PM   0 COMMENTS
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