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Friday, June 02, 2017

6 Common Website Problems That Business Owners Don't Understand

6 Common Website Problems That Business Owners Dont Understand daily-golden-nugget-1559-54
It's the hope of every business that they will build a website that helps make them a lot of money, but few websites ever achieve that goal. Turning a website into a money making machine won't happen overnight, and it won't magically happen without a lot of help from employees and the business owner.

Most small businesses don't know how to update their websites once they are launched; indeed, many will continually pay for website updates even though they can edit the website on ...

AT: 06/02/2017 07:25:39 AM   0 COMMENTS
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Don't Lose The Ability To Learn From Success and Failure

Dont Lose The Ability To Learn From Success and Failure daily-golden-nugget-1322-2
'Tis currently the season for jewelry stores to upgrade their websites in preparation for the upcoming holiday season.

Website upgrades are good, as long as you are upgrading to something better. Everything online can be tracked and learned from. Before upgrading your website you should be reviewing all your previous collected data to see how you can improve.

The defacto standard in website tracking is Google Analytics, a massive tracking and analysis system that m...

AT: 08/18/2015 10:51:10 AM   0 COMMENTS
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reporting on Alternate Domain Names: Practical SEO Guide

Reporting on Alternate Domain Names: Practical SEO Guide daily-golden-nugget-1303-79
Did you know that it's possible to track the effectiveness of your offline marketing, as in, print ads, TV commercials, and even billboards? Yep, it's true, and it's simple too... Just use a different domain name on each ad.

You can then set up each domain name with special UTM variable tracking like I explained yesterday to see how often people respond to ...

AT: 07/22/2015 08:20:14 AM   0 COMMENTS
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Comparing Current and Past Analytic Data: Practical SEO Guide

Comparing Current and Past Analytic Data: Practical SEO Guide daily-golden-nugget-1292-48
The data reported by Google Analytics is really helpful for every website owner to look at. By default, the reports provide really insightful data over the last 30 days of activity for users, sessions, pageviews, and bounce rates, but that's only a small piece of what GA can do for you.

The big benefit of GA is being able to produce a report for any time frame in the past and compare it to any other time frame in the past. You can compare the last 30 days t...

AT: 07/07/2015 08:02:56 AM   0 COMMENTS
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Discover Server Health and Hacking Attempts in Web Server error_log Files

Discover Server Health and Hacking Attempts in Web Server error_log Files daily-golden-nugget-1238-2In this third and final edition in my series on web server logs, I'll explain what an error_log is and the important information you can find within. My previous two Nuggets explaining your web server's access_log can be found here and VIEW FULL GOLD NUGGET

AT: 04/22/2015 06:40:08 AM   0 COMMENTS
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Log File Referrals and What to Watch Out For When Reading Them

Log File Referrals and What to Watch Out For When Reading Them daily-golden-nugget-1237-47In yesterday's Nugget, I explained web server log files and how they could be used to read the IP address information for your website visitors.

In today's Daily Golden Nugget, I'm continuing the log file conversation with a more detailed look at referrals.

Here's the same example I showed you yesterday:

AT: 04/21/2015 09:07:06 AM   0 COMMENTS
Monday, April 20, 2015

Website Log Files Contain Personally Identifiable Informatio

Website Log Files Contain Personally Identifiable Informatio daily-golden-nugget-1236-66
Since the dawn of computer networks, every server has recorded logs of all communications activities. You might be surprised to find out that email servers keep logs of every email sent, who they came from, and who they were sent to. Many large organizations even save copies of those emails.

When it comes to sharing files, all FTP servers and all file sharing services, like Dropbox, keep track of what files were uploaded and downloaded.

Then, of course...

AT: 04/20/2015 11:29:40 AM   0 COMMENTS
Monday, September 29, 2014

Planning the Online Tracking Needed to Help Sell Your Products

Planning the Online Tracking Needed to Help Sell Your Products daily-golden-nugget-1091-23
Throughout all of last week, I've been laying the groundwork for a complete holiday 2014 marketing plan that you can use to promote a chosen suite of items.

Here a recap:

1. You need to select some items that you'll use in your holiday promotions. Read this to find out how to select the best items.

2. You then need to plan your o...

AT: 09/29/2014 08:52:49 AM   0 COMMENTS
Friday, August 22, 2014

Cooks Jewelers Website Review

Cooks Jewelers Website Review 4395-daily-golden-nugget-1065
Welcome to the Friday jewelry website review edition of the Daily Golden Nugget. The goal for today is to examine a random retail jeweler's website and learn from something they did right or wrong.

I don't plan these reviews out, and I usually write these reviews as I work through the discovery of each site, documenting my first thoughts as well as how different stuff fits together.

This week, I searched for "jewelry stores Kirksville, Missouri" and was given this Google SERP:


AT: 08/22/2014 11:09:41 AM   0 COMMENTS
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Google Analytics: Understanding the Audience Overview Report

Google Analytics: Understanding the Audience Overview Report 3564-daily-golden-nugget-1059
In this edition of the Daily Golden Nugget, I'm going to show you how to read one of the most popular reports in Google Analytics. In my opinion, retail jewelry store owners should know the basics of how good or bad their website is doing, and what might make it better.

When you first log into your Google Analytics account, you will be brought to your Audience Overview page, so let's start there. Here's a snapshot of one of my accounts:


AT: 08/14/2014 10:21:55 AM   0 COMMENTS
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reading Your SEO Reports: Google Webmaster Tools

Reading Your SEO Reports: Google Webmaster Tools 9581-daily-golden-nugget-1058
Every online marketing company has their own version of reports. It's one of the requirements of any marketing or SEO service. You, as the website owner, want to know what they are doing and what you are paying for.

Some agencies provide their own really nice looking reports with charts and graphs, while others provide lists of pages and keywords with percentage increases and decreases. On many occasions I've found that agencies created reports using reporting software that t...

AT: 08/13/2014 09:21:22 AM   0 COMMENTS
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Blogging Inside Your Site

"Organic Traffic" is what we call those visitors that found your website through searching any engine. The person looked for a keyword phrase and your website appeared in the search results. These visitors are your organic visitors, and they do not cost any money when they click; well, they don't cost you any money at the time of the click, but it did cost money in the form of time and labor to get you listed on page 1 of the search results.

Considering the number of jewelry stores listed in the JBT, we know that very few of them understand the needed search engine optimization it takes to get to page 1 of the search results. Once you achieve high placement, you will continue to receive free organic visitors as long as one of your competitors doesn't use their own SEO to knock you out of the top spot.

We've seen more and mor...

AT: 03/08/2011 10:04:06 AM   0 COMMENTS
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry